Apparently we will get 50% of Garay at around €5m-€6m. Once he returns from Copa America he will have his medical and only then the transfer will go through.
I'm sceptical with the Drenthe link, we need a defender like Ansaldi and not a makeshift left-back, Drenthe is more of a midfielder, which we have plenty of already.
Good news about Garay! And Drenthe... I don't consider him as a good signing at all. He was a special talent in 2008, but did he grow up from that time? He can shine in a few games, not more.
And yes, we need more defensive player. But Ansaldi... Uh, I still don't want to see him in Benfica, he has not enough quality for such a club!
Печально. Но что поделаешь, мы пока не в состоянии удерживать таких игроков. Правда радует сумма откупных, всё-таки наш президент выдавил из мадрида именно те бабки, которые и хотел. Плюс Гарай. Неприятный момент - трёп Фабио о верности Бенфики. Но да бог ему судья... ЗЫ Дайте шанс Родриго!
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